Friday, January 25, 2008


You have to wonder just how these things happen.

At almost any other point during yesterday's Golf Channel broadcast of the Buick Invitational, such a glitch would go almost unnoticed, and certainly wouldn't warrant comment.

It's live TV (even if it's golf). Things aren't always perfect.

But for the lone minute of yesterday's show that was under the microscope and subject to scrutiny by anyone with an opinion and access to a computer, Golf Channel blew it.

All they had to do was come on the air cleanly, and maybe this mess would begin to go away. Let everyone hear embattled anchor Kelly Tilghman apologize and the world can focus on other crimes against humanity.

But that was too much to ask.

As Tilghman spoke, the world heard nothing. Not because people weren't listening, but because there was nothing to hear.

Somehow, some way, something went wrong and wasn't corrected until Tilghman was halfway through her second sentence. It's tough to tell who was at fault by viewing the clip. It could have come from master control. It could have come from the site. Maybe the A-1 didn't track the right channels. Maybe the EVS playback screwed up.

If her on-camera was live, the glitch could have come from the booth, but surely that couldn't have been live. Nobody would have been that risky. We hope.

Take a look for yourself.

If the Cialis billboard ran from master control, the error could have come from any of the above mentioned places. If the billboard ran from the truck, it almost certainly came from the truck. We'll see if anyone comes forward with an explanation.

Regardless, it's as close to inexcusable as you can get.

Embarrassed yet again, Golf Channel responded by putting the full text of Tilghman's apology on their web site.

Meanwhile the critics had a field day, with some pointing out other Golf Channel audio mistakes such as these from last weekend's Bob Hope Chrysler Classic.

Tough times lately for audio, especially when everyone associated with golf was hoping no noose would be good noose.

(No, we're not apologizing for that!)

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